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Sage Bohemian

Wise. Unconventional.

Sage Branch

Sage Boho LLC – doing business under several other brands, including Sage Bohemian – is a family-owned small business with a diversified portfolio of product and service offerings. With roots in central Indiana, Sage Bohemian embraces the Golden Rule in every aspect of business. Honesty, integrity, and commitment are core components in our mission.

The husband and wife ownership team bring vast and varied knowledge and skillsets to the company. Her experience includes business operations, event planning, over ten years in the public education sector, and she holds degrees in design and merchandising. He has an MBA and twenty years of project management and strategic planning experience, combined with a history of starting and operating multiple successful small businesses.

The company launched with the creation and publication of children’s activity books through Amazon’s publishing company, KDP. Through that experience, the company expanded its operations into general eCommerce as a seller on the Amazon marketplace.

Today, Sage Bohemian continues to publish books and sell merchandise, but has added a 3D Printing division and a digital content creation division which is in the pre-launch phase of some exciting initiatives to support K-5 educators.

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Stack of Books